Do you have concerns about your child’s current educational program or placement?

Carlsbad Unified School District

The special education department at the Carlsbad Unified School District (“CUSD”) serves approximately 1,575 students with special needs on Individualized Educational Programs (“IEPs”) and 504 Plans, approximately 14.3% of the student population. Carlsbad Unified School District serves approximately 11,000 children, from preschool to adult transition (3-22 years old). Carlsbad Unified School District’s special education department offers a variety of programs, services, and supports.

Carlsbad Unified School District
Special Education

Learn more about the Carlsbad Unified School District and their special education program(s) by visiting their website and reviewing available information, attending meetings that are open to the public, reviewing the general and special education policies and procedures, and more! Here are a few links to get you started.

Special Education Department, Icon, image of woman reading a paper.

Special Education

Learn more about Carlsbad Unified School District’s special education department! Find information about their programs and services, from preschool to adult transition, and community resources.

School Sites, Icon, image of person looking at a building.

School Sites

Find your school of residence with the Carlsbad Unified School District’s residency locator, explore school options for intra-district transfers or the CUSD’s school plan for student achievement.

Academic Calendar, Icon, image of a calendar with checkboxes.

Academic Calendar

Download a copy of the most recent calendar for the Carlsbad Unified School District’s school year for your records. Find events that may be of interest to parents and students on a variety of topics.

Policies & Procedures, Icon, image of a clipboard with checkboxes.

Policies & Procedures

Get to know Carlsbad Unified School District’s policies and procedures! It is important for parents to stay informed on how CUSD handles things like transportation, school observations, and attendance.

Parent Resources, Icon, image of a woman reading.

Parent Resources

The Carlsbad Unified School District has put together information that may be of use for students in general and special education, ranging from the student handbook to an app for communication.

Facebook Page, Icon, image of a person looking at a cell phone with Facebook on it.


Stay up to date with Carlsbad Unified School District on Facebook! CUSD frequently posts about upcoming events, news, health and wellness, community partnerships, resources fairs and much more.

School District Special Education, image of two people discussing something.

Can a Special Education Attorney Help?

The legal services of a special education attorney, also referred to as a civil rights attorney or disability rights attorney, vary widely. The idea of this section is that we’re going to pepper a lot of special education attorney and special education language in here to get some SEO traction. Not sure if it’s going to be universal to all of the SEO pages or just this particular one but it will be on every pages. That’s just a description of what we’re doing and thinking for this page.

The Bigger Picture

The Carlsbad Unified School District is a local educational agency organized under the San Diego County Office of Education and a member district of the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education; an administrative unit called a Special Education Local Plan Area (“SELPA”). As a California public educational agency, Carlsbad Unified School District receives Federal funding from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).


CUSD is a member district of the North Coastal Consortium for Special Education, SELPA, that helps provide for the needs of students residing within their boundaries.


Carlsbad Unified School District is located in the San Diego County and receives support and oversight from the San Diego County Office of Education (“SDCOE”).


California receives Federal funding from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and has enacted State laws to further support students with disabilities.


The Federal government provides funds to States that have agreed to comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and its implementing regulations.

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