
  • What is an Individualized Education Program, image of family working on school work.

    The Individualized Education Program (“IEP”) document is the cornerstone of a child’s special education program. It explains the goals, services, supports, and placement the school will provide for a child to meet their unique educational needs.

  • Independent Educational Evaluation, image of teacher leaning down to show a student information.

    An IEE is an independent educational evaluation funded by the school and conducted by an assessor chosen by the parent. A parent can make a written request for an IEE if they disagree with an assessment conducted by the school.

  • How to Make a Special Education Request, image of woman writing IDEA and a lightbulb on a background.

    An initial referral for special education can come from a parent or the school. A formal diagnosis is not required before assessing. Parents should make the request in writing and explain the concerns and how they affect the student’s educational experience.

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